About Freshdeals
Most of our users ask us, why are you called FreshDeals? We like to chuckle at that question because it seems so obvious to us. The freshest deals at the freshest prices. Simple as that. We were founded on this belief and it helps guide every decision we make day in and day out.
Well there's one other reason we're called FreshDeals: our fearless founders. We were created as a pop-and-pop shop in 1912 by two young entrepeneurs: Johnny Fresh and Punxutawney Deal. Since those days, we've scaled to serve organic ingredients to the entire world. Though Johnny and Punx no longer run FreshDeals, we are commited to keeping their dream alive. We hope you've enjoyed your experiences with FreshDeals over the past decades. We're excited to show you how much more we can do as we continue to grow!